Why limit your revenue to electricity export?
Green hydrogen offers additional revenue streams to wind farm owners and other renewable generators. Prepare your business for the imminent green hydrogen economy by commissioning a report quantifying the following possible revenue streams from hydrogen production at your existing or future planned projects, and explaining the many options for how this can be implemented:
- eliminate risk of exposure to low electricity prices, during times of high wind/other renewable energy, resulting in over-supply
- choose to generate hydrogen when it is more profitable than exporting electricity
- benefit from trading strategies to maximise your revenue
- capture curtailed energy to eliminate waste and get paid twice
- export green hydrogen for your own zero emission transport fleet, the wider market or both
- export green hydrogen into a local natural gas network
- consider more profitable trading alternatives to a fixed Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
Act now to obtain early mover advantage and gain market share by early preparation for massive new markets!